How to Launch A Successful Podcast in Just 6 Weeks

Learn how to launch a podcast in 2021 to help you expand your reach and position you as the go-to expert in your industry

Have you thought about launching a podcast but don’t know where to start?


Would you like to communicate your brand to more people, more quickly?


Do you need help to define your concept and plan your content?


Are you confused about any technical aspect of producing and launching a podcast?

In this highly interactive six week interactive, guided learning course, you’ll learn all this and more.

You will learn and implement the 10 essential elements of creating a successful podcast.  

During the course you will:


Define your podcast concept


Understand the podcasting process


Create artwork for your podcast cover


Find music to create your own intro and outro


Gain an understanding of the kit you need and what to do with it


Create, produce and release your first podcast episode


Submit your podcast to iTunes, Google Podcast, Spotify, Stitcher and TuneIn


Develop an easy to action plan for Season 1 of your podcast


Collaborate with other course members to share ideas and test content


Join a members only Facebook group for additional support

All this for just £580 including VAT.

The Power of Podcasting

According to, in October 2020 15.6m people listened to podcasts in the UK alone. In fact, one in three, 26-35 year olds surveyed listen to at least one podcast a week. And it’s not just this age group who are regularly listening to podcasts.

Podcasts are portable, flexible, available on demand and easy to consume. This makes them one of the most effective channels to increase your profile and boost your credibility in a way that you can’t on social media platforms.

Your dream clients are actively looking for content like yours that they can listen to on the school run, the daily commute or even when walking the dog.

By reaching out with a podcast you can communicate on a personal level with clients and potential clients, quite literally having a word in their ear.

When you introduce guests, influencers or even your own clients as guests on your podcast you begin to forge strong relationships with your listeners, becoming their trusted friend and go-to expert in your field. Podcasting acts as a gateway to other media opportunities such as radio, press and TV, further expanding your reach.

Do you offer a subscription service or product?

Podcasting is a valuable funnel driver gently bringing new leads into your sales process. If you don’t have a subscription service or product, why not become an affiliate for someone who does and start building a passive income?

Why choose Podcast Concierge?

Debra Levitt, of Bridge Road Consultants, is the Podcast Launcher and Concierge. She is a podcasting expert who helps business owners like you to successfully launch their own podcasts.

When you work with Debra, you are in safe hands as you explore the huge potential of this exciting new marketing channel for your business.

Drawing on her technical expertise and real life experience, Debra helps you gain momentum, reach new audiences and increase traction. 

The Bridge Road Consultants team is passionate about helping you find your voice and create a high quality podcast. 

Is this the right course for you?


Are you a business owner with an interest in how podcasting can benefit
your business?


Do you want to reach more people, more quickly?


Do you want to build your brand and increase credibility?

If you find yourself nodding to any of these questions, Six Weeks to Podcast Power is the answer.

On this course, Debra helps you understand the power of podcasting for your business so that you can reach more people, build your brand and increase your credibility.

How does the course work?

The course is delivered in two-hour sessions over 6 weeks. In each session Debra introduces a new element of podcasting and equips you with the knowledge and skills you need to implement this for your podcast.  This means that you are not left to watch videos and figure things out yourself.

Feedback and support on your podcast elements are available between session in the member-only Facebook group and at subsequent sessions.

Class sizes are limited to ensure you have the time and support you need.

By the end of the course your podcast will be ready to launch.

In addition to the guided sessions, you and your fellow course-mates will have access to a member only Facebook group allowing you to share ideas and tips, ask questions and test concepts.

You will receive a bonus session at the end of the course to help you continue your podcasting journey, becoming more confident and proficient at delivering great content to your audience.

Where and when will the course be?

Courses run approximately every six weeks for 6 weeks online.  

Class Listings are available by clicking on Book Now or scrolling to the bottom of the screen.

It will be delivered online via Zoom with support available between each session via a private members group.

Do you need more information?

Are you still undecided about whether this is the right course for you? 

No problem, it’s a big decision and perhaps it feels outside of your comfort zone.  Just call or email Debra and she will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

01344 289985