Get your Clubhouse and Podcasting ducks in a row

Should you do Clubhouse or a podcast?

In this article, we looked at why now is the perfect time to create podcasts for use in marketing your business. You will recall that we also talked about getting our marketing ducks in a row by using Clubhouse and podcasting as mutually supporting marketing channels.

As I alluded to in the previous article, the advent of Clubhouse has really got people talking about audio which, as a podcast enthusiast, makes me very happy.

A common thread, and a question I’ve been asked more than once or twice, is – doesn’t Clubhouse replace podcasts? Well, here’s my thoughts on that.
Clubhouse is transient. As it currently stands there’s no way to play back conversations, to catch up on what you missed while you were away or to double check things you’ve heard. Which means, as a marketing tool, each Clubhouse room has a finite lifespan as a marketing channel.
By contrast, and as I mentioned earlier, podcasts have longevity You can use and re-use them. Your audience can listen once, twice or a dozen times. Making them a powerful way to repeatedly deliver your marketing messages. You can share links in emails, pop them on your website, use them in social media… you get the idea.
But what if we didn’t look at it from a Clubhouse OR podcast perspective?

Instead, why not look at how they can be different, but related, marketing tools for your business?

For example – one of the Clubhouse benefits people rave about is the ability to speak to people and have a live conversation. You can’t do that with a podcast. So if someone is listening to your podcast and they have a question about your business – they can’t ask it. Or rather, they can, but to do so they have to find your contact details and send you a message.

In contrast, Clubhouse allows you to spark genuine conversation and build those all important human connections more quickly. Bearing in mind that people buy from people, anything that allows you to reduce the time it takes to build ‘know, like and trust’ with potential customers has to be a great thing.

With that in mind, I see a utopia where you can enjoy the spontaneous and immediate nature of Clubhouse and use it to support your podcast. For example, by hosting a regular Clubhouse room related to your podcast, you allow listeners of your podcast to hop on and continue the conversation with you. Or vice versa, enable people you connect with in Clubhouse to listen to more of your content at a time that suits them.

Are you in love with the power of audio?

If you’ve considered podcasting but felt daunted by the process, or have spent time in Clubhouse and have a new-found passion for the immense power of the spoken word, I have the perfect solution for you.

With “Six weeks to podcast power” you’ll learn everything you need to know in order to find your voice and launch your very own podcast. 

Unlike other courses, it’s not a recorded course that you can dip in and out of – and probably never finish. 

Six weeks to podcast power is a live, guided learning experience allowing you to interact with me and others on the course. With access to a members only working group between sessions, you’ll travel the path from absolute novice to pre-launch podcaster learning hints and tips that will save you from making common and costly mistakes that you’d usually have to learn the hard way!

Participant numbers are strictly limited in order to ensure you don’t just learn the theory but have time to ask questions and take actionable steps both during, and between, each session. 

To find out more, or join the waiting list for the next course, click here.

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